Publication of the Legal Newsletters for June month 2019

In June 2019 there have been made several important amendments and changes in Georgian legal acts. Among them should be mentioned N382 Decree of Georgian Government dated July 27th, 2018,  N477 Decree of Georgian Government dated October 27th, 2017, Georgian Administrative Procedural Code, Georgian Civil Procedural Code, Georgian Tax Code, Georgian Law on Entrepreneurs, N20722 Order of Revenue Service Head, Besides, there was enacted Law of Georgia on Georgian Customs Code, that defines the rules and customs formalities related to the entry into customs territory of Georgia and the customs formalities, the rules of customs settlement, the types of customs offenses and the responsibility of committing these offenses according to the Constitution of Georgia.

Legal Newsletter of Legal Consulting Center for June 2019 provides farther information about amendment and supplements done in above-mentioned legal acts.